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One Final Breath (Dive Team Investigations #3)


Title:  One Final Breath (Dive Team Investigations #3)

Author:  Lynn H. Blackburn

Pages:  320

Year:  2019

Publisher:  Revell

My rating:  5 out of 5 stars

What an exciting conclusion not just to the series but also in relation to the two main characters Gabe and Anissa!  To appreciate the well-crafted characters and story it is recommended that if you haven’t read the first two books, In Too Deep and Beneath the Surface, that you read those before starting One Final Breath.  Why?  Lynn Blackburn takes readers on an underwater investigation that brings Anissa and Gabe together in In Too Deep, then continues the adventure in Beneath the Surface before audiences reach the exciting climax in One Final Breath.  There are many series where books are written to be read as part of a series but can be read singularly; however, if you want to enjoy the mystery and suspense that Lynn has so well penned start from square one and enjoy!

Lynn Blackburn takes her experience and research to such a depth and interestingly weaves that knowledge into one exciting and suspense filled tale!  In One Final Breath, Lynn injects tension that exists between Anissa and Gabe that continues to slowly build along with finding a killer who is bent on the ruination of others!

There are other characters in the series to be enjoyed, but Gabe and Anissa’s story stole my heart.  The other aspect of the series that I enjoyed was the scenes underwater.  It was easy to picture the scenes in my imagination because they were so well described in the book.  Like other well written stories there were twists and turns in the plot that were exploding on the pages before I read them!

Other reviewers state that any book in the series can be read as a stand-alone but also agree with this reviewer that reading them in order helps deepen the experience of reading the Dive Team Investigation series.  These are original stories.  I haven’t read other books that take us beneath the water where there are clues as well as danger.  It will be a little while before this author brings us another series to enjoy so audiences have time to read, share and talk about the books.  Consider getting the series for fans of solid, entertaining and adventure seeking people in your life!

Note:  The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility. 

The String


Title:  The String (Deadly Games #1)

Author:  Caleb Breakey

Pages:  320

Year:  2019

Publisher:  Revell

My rating is 3 out of 5 stars.

Markus Haas is a police officer at Trenton University.  The students like him and think he’s cool.  He is dating a single mom, Steph, with two children.  Fellow officers at the local police department don’t like him as some event in the past has placed animosity between the two.  His fellow officer, Cody, is a good friend though.  Markus is unwittingly drawn into a complex but deadly game run by “The Conductor”, who has amassed a network of people he forces to perform unsavory, illegal or dangerous tasks in order to keep the game going.  If the players do not do what The Conductor tells them to do, someone they love will suffer severe consequences.  Markus enters the game when a student places a bomb in his car.

In the course of his investigation, he quickly discovers that this is no game.  The threats and consequences are very real.  However, Markus is not one to be subdued.  He fights back, but there is a cost.  He tries his best to discover the identity of The Conductor, but with each attempt, a consequence is incurred.  A threat is issued toward his girlfriend and her children who Markus holds dear, but can he discover who is behind this elaborate plot before more people are killed, including Steph and her kids?

I would rate this 3.5 if half-stars were allowed.  The first book in most series has to lay the groundwork/history of characters and their backgrounds in order for subsequent novels to progress the story.  The suspense was off the charts and had my heart pumping.  There is a definite creepy factor to this story, which may put some people off.  Also, I thought this could have been a great opportunity to showcase a disciple of God’s reaction to evil, but this story just had a few mentions of prayer and God.  Believers in God are under attack every day from evil spiritual forces.  I hope in subsequent books the author includes more about faith in God.  I plan to read the next book in the series to see the potential growth and depth of the main character in relation to his faith in God.

Note:  The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility.


Attachments by Rainbow Rowell 1.99!!!!

Reblogged from Cat's Books: Romance :
Attachments - Rainbow Rowell

Beth Fremont and Jennifer Scribner-Snyder know that somebody is monitoring their work e-mail. (Everybody in the newsroom knows. It's company policy.) But they can't quite bring themselves to take it seriously. They go on sending each other endless and endlessly hilarious e-mails, discussing every aspect of their personal lives.

Meanwhile, Lincoln O'Neill can't believe this is his job now—reading other people's e-mail. When he applied to be “internet security officer,” he pictured himself building firewalls and crushing hackers—not writing up a report every time a sports reporter forwards a dirty joke.

When Lincoln comes across Beth's and Jennifer's messages, he knows he should turn them in. He can't help being entertained, and captivated, by their stories. But by the time Lincoln realizes he's falling for Beth, it's way too late to introduce himself. What would he even say...?

A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh (Regency Brides: Daughters of Aynsley #1)


Title:  A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh (Regency Brides:  Daughters of Aynsley #1)

Author:  Carolyn Miller

Pages:  336

Year:  2019

Publisher:  Kregel Publications

My rating is 5 out of 5

Here is another great novel by Carolyn Miller!  I have enjoyed all of her previous novels immensely, and this one was no exception.  Caroline Hatherleigh is the oldest of three daughters of Viscount Aynsley.  She observes all the social rules and obligations scrupulously and has put her faith is that.  She does attend church weekly because it is the thing society does, not because she has a need for Christian fellowship or a personal relationship with God.  When she visits Devonshire, she meets Gideon Kirby and his sweet sister Emma.  Caroline becomes fast friends with Emma, who suffers from a mysterious malady.  This friendship brings her in contact with Gideon frequently and she is introduced to the world of archeology.

Gideon and his sister have moved to Devonshire in an attempt to escape detection from an evil man.  Gideon is able to indulge his love of archeology here while caring for his ill sister.  While searching for fossils, he discovers a local smuggling operation.  He doesn’t want to draw attention to himself and his sister, so he is unsure whether to report this illegal activity to the magistrate or not.  His attraction to Caroline Hatherleigh is another distraction he doesn’t need.  He must keep his sister and her secret safe.  Caroline’s beliefs about what is important in life are challenged as she finds herself involved in new friendships and a new attraction to a certain fossil hunter.  When a strange man in the village begins asking questions about Gideon and his sister, will Caroline’s new friendships and beliefs be destroyed?

What an interesting view of archeology in 1818!  I could tell lots of research went into this portion of the story, which I found fascinating.  Caroline’s views of God and what He wants her life to be like were a journey enjoyable to experience.  Gideon’s tender care of his sister was heart-warming.  Emma’s sweet disposition in the face of her poor health was also inspiring as was her faith in God.  I am looking forward to Cecilia’s story in the second book of the series, Underestimating Miss Cecilia.  Look for my review of that novel soon!


Note:  The opinions shared in this review are solely my responsibility.


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Murder in Disguise (A Preston Barclay Mystery #3) by Donn E. Taylor

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Title: Murder in Disguise (A Preston Barclay Mystery #3)
Author: Donn Taylor
Pages: 301
Year: 2017
Publisher: Lamplighter Mysteries
My rating is 5 out of 5 stars.
Press and Mara have survived two dangerous mystery investigations together, even though Press claims he “just teaches history”. Now, Press has gotten a job at a college to teach a couple of summer classes. One of his good friends from his own college days is a department chairman of the college and was instrumental in Press getting this summer job. Mara has a teaching friend at the same college, so she comes for a visit.
When Press arrives at the college, he first pays a visit to his friend’s wife to offer condolences. It seems his friend recently committed suicide. Press just can’t wrap his mind around his grounded Christian friend taking his own life, but all the evidence points to this being the case. His friend’s wife doesn’t believe he killed himself and has been spreading the word that once Press arrives, he will prove that her husband was murdered. Press doesn’t want to get involved in another murder investigation, but she pleads with him to just meet with the detective in charge of her husband’s case. Press agrees.
Press is not welcomed at the college as the new department chairman wants to create a very liberal curriculum, discarding most traditional and/or Christian values classes. The classes Press teaches are conservative and traditional, just like Press. He notices a couple of minor anomalies in the investigation. He is warned by several people to let things alone and not to stir the pot, but once Press gets his teeth into something, he won’t let go. With Mara’s help, Press seeks to discover the truth.
This is one of my favorite mystery series, and I hope the author has many more to come! The witty remarks and puns put a smile on my face and made me chuckle out loud. The dialogue is snappy and there is enough going on in the story to keep readers thoroughly interested and entertained. I also liked the inclusion of the side story of Press’s daughter and her on-campus fight for her religious freedom rights. These mysteries are definitely ones to check out and ones not to be missed!

A Test of Wills (Inspector Ian Rutledge #1) by Charles Todd



Title: A Test of Wills (The First Inspector Ian Rutledge Mystery)
Author: Charles Todd
Pages: 305
Year: 1996 (Copyright)
Publisher: Harper
I was first introduced to this series of mysteries when I received a free copy of Hunting Shadows, the 16th book in the series. I thoroughly enjoyed that book, but wanted to know the background and beginnings of Inspector Rutledge and his relationship with Hamish. So I went back to the first book in the series to see what I might discover. I soon learned that the love/hate, guilt, shame and so many more emotions that link Ian and Hamish are the result of Ian ordering Hamish’s execution during WW I. Now, to cope with daily living, Ian allows Hamish to live in his mind. They have conversations and sometimes Ian forgets that it is only in his mind and answers Hamish out loud, sometimes much to the surprise of whoever is with Ian at the time. Ian has tried to rid himself of Hamish, but almost lost his mind permanently trying to do so. The doctors tell him it is a coping mechanism to deal with the horrors of war. It adds a very interesting dynamic to the story.
Inspector Rutledge is sent on his first big case after returning to Scotland Yard after the war. His boss would like to see nothing better than to see him fail and be ousted from the Yard and humiliated. Ian enters a small village where a local war hero has been shot while on his morning horseback ride. No one can think of a motive as he was well-liked by everyone. Well, not everyone as someone killed him. As Ian continues his investigation, he is stymied again and again by the villagers who seem to be protecting someone. The victim’s ward, a young woman about to be married, especially resists his interrogation. What is she hiding? Is she protecting her fiancé, who is also a war hero? Why is everyone else trying to throw suspicion away from her fiancé? While trying to discover the guilty person, Ian also must continue to deal with Hamish and his own shell shock and memories of war. He is very aware of his tenuous hold on his sanity. Can he pass this test of wills?
This is a great mystery with well-developed characters and great writing. I’ve only read two books in the series, but I plan to read more in the future. The storyline kept me guessing until the last chapter when the mystery was resolved. There is a little bit of profanity used in the story, but it doesn’t mar the story at all. I am looking forward to reading more books in this exciting series and can say readers won’t be disappointed in this intriguing series.
My rating is 5 stars.


Legacy of the Dead (Inspector Ian Rutledge #4) by Charles Todd

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Title: Legacy of the Dead (Inspector Rutledge #4)
Author: Charles Todd
Pages: 308
Year: 2000
Publisher: Bantam Books
For this entry in the Inspector Rutledge series, Inspector Ian Rutledge is sent to soothe the ruffled feathers of Lady Maude Gray whose daughter has not been seen for three years. The local inspector visited Lady Maude to tell her of the discovery of some bones in Scotland and that they might belong to her daughter, Eleanor Gray, but that the police needed more information to confirm this. Lady Maude didn’t like the manner in which this was handled, so Scotland Yard sends Inspector Rutledge to see if he can pacify her. She surprisingly requests Inspector Rutledge lead the investigation into her daughter’s disappearance.
Ian Rutledge would rather do anything than go to Scotland. He had too many men from Scotland die under his command during World War I. It will bring back many painful memories. After all, Hamish MacLeod, the man Ian had executed, was from Scotland. Hamish still haunts Ian in his mind. Right now it is the only way Ian can cope with the guilt, shame and horror of what happened during the war. He and Hamish have conversations in his head about whatever investigation he is working on. Ian is ordered to Scotland where his investigation meets barrier after barrier. The woman charged with killing Lady Maude’s daughter, even though there is only circumstantial evidence and no hard proof, is none other than Hamish’s fiancée, Fiona. What are the chances of that happening? Ian feels bound to prove her innocence, but find that difficult to do as she won’t trust him with the truth. She is protecting someone and will go to the gallows in order to maintain her promise. Can Ian discover the truth despite Fiona’s refusal to cooperate? Who started the ugly rumors against Fiona, putting her in the crosshairs of the local police force? Why does everyone so readily believe them? Fiona has denied ever meeting Eleanor Gray, but is she telling him the truth?
This is another great British mystery taking place in 1919. I just so enjoy the depth of Ian’s character and get more and more involved in his emotions and feelings with new case he takes on. The interaction between Ian and Hamish is antagonistic, but also in an odd sort of way comforting. At various times, Ian has thought about ways to rid himself of Hamish, but the only way to really do that is to end his own life and Ian has fought too hard and been through too much pain to take that route yet. He does struggle each day with the process of living, but at the end of each day he seems a little bit stronger, having survived another day. I plan on reading and reviewing the next book in the series, Watchers of Time, on this blog soon.
My rating is 5 stars.

Search the Dark (Inspector Ian Rutledge #3) by Charles Todd

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Title: Search the Dark (Inspector Ian Rutledge #3)
Author: Charles Todd
Pages: 310
Year: 1999
Publisher: St. Martin’s Paperbacks
Inspector Ian Rutledge is still in the hot seat with his superior, Superintendent Bowles. As a result, he is sent away from London again on another case and out of the superintendent’s hair. This time he is sent to Dorset to discover if a man is truly guilty of killing his wife and two small children.
Ian begins asking the same questions the local authorities have asked. He institutes another search for the missing children as their bodies haven’t been found yet. The body of a woman, who they assume is the criminal’s wife as he has identified her. One problem is the man they have arrested is mentally unstable due to his service in the war. Inspector Rutledge is uncomfortable dealing with this man because it reminds him too much of himself. The search continues and another woman’s body is found. Could the man in jail have arrived a few months prior and also killed this woman?
Inspector Rutledge begins to uncover more than he bargained for in his search for justice and truth. He knows he is being manipulated by at least one woman involved in the case. He meets another former soldier, the son of a politician, who also is painful to interact with as it forces Ian to remember his own role in the war and the scars left behind, not only physical scars, but mental ones as well. Hamish is ever active in antagonizing and convicting Ian in his own mind. The guilt Ian has over Hamish’s death has driven Ian to allow Hamish to live even if it is only within his own mind. Could this former soldier be the murderer? His French wife? The former soldier who hangs out at the local pub?
As the case is pursued, the authors really showcase the devastating effects of war on the human mind and how it changed everything about a person who survived it. Readers will get a good mystery, but also a chance to experience a survivor’s war on a personal front through the eyes of Inspector Rutledge and in this story through a few other former soldiers eyes as well. As I continue reading this series, and this is my fourth book, I am continually struck with the depth of feeling and insight Charles Todd has into the mind of a survivor. The story was a little slow in a few spots, which is why the 4 stars instead of 5, but this is still a recommended book. I’m looking forward to reading book 4 next and find out what crime Inspector Rutledge will be investigating.
My rating is 4 stars.

A man who commits suicide or was he murdered? Buried where? Why? The year is 1360 something in an unfamiliar land and unique sounding words describe people, positions, and responsibilities. Never before has such a novel attracted my attention…until now. Mel Starr has written “chronicles” of a character named Hugh de Singleton. This character has more than one job in his village. What the name of the village is, I can’t say. What is this character’s occupation? I can’t spoil the book and reveal what he does. He is caught in a web of intriguing mystery that twists many times almost like a rope. Maybe that is why there is a picture of that on the cover. It sure grabs one’s attention doesn’t it? In the language of the setting, it seems like one is transported to a time where words such as almoner, farthing, bailiff and Cow-ley were ordinary words. When I first looked at the book and read the words and definitions, I was thinking I bit off more than I could chew. Would I understand the story or not? Would I be able to follow the characters while trying to figure out the plot? After the first few pages of chapter 1, I was hooked. I had to know how this medieval novel ended. I kept reading as I was carried away to Bampton, following the actions of priests, sires, bishops, and carpenters. There are many more fascinating people in this story who travel to other lands to seek answers. Sometimes when one reads a novel the characters seem so unreal; however, Mel Starr has done a superb job of helping his readers “feel” the human part of mankind in the story. Never before have I read a book where the setting has taken place in medieval times. Prior to Unhallowed Ground, I would have just looked past the book to genres I am more familiar and comfortable with reading. I cannot recommend the Chronicles of Hugh de Singleton enough. If Mel Starr wrote his past and future novels with the same brilliance as he did this one, he has found a loyal fan indeed! Most novels are based on some known, unknown or little before known fact in history; Mel Starr’s writings are no different. There are other books in this series of chronicles, though each one stands alone, and are titled: The Unquiet Bones, a Corpse at St. Andrews Chapel; A Trail of Ink and then the forthcoming book, The Tainted Coin. These are stories you will surely read more than once, maybe even getting them for family members, friends or coworkers who love a good mystery. I don’t want to spoil the suspense felt as the book is read so I won’t let the preverbal “cat out of the bag” by saying more. Get the book, curl up, turn off the noise, and get lost for a while in Unhallowed Ground. You will never regret it!

For this entry in the Inspector Rutledge series, Inspector Ian Rutledge is sent to soothe the ruffled feathers of Lady Maude Gray whose daughter has not been seen for three years. The local inspector visited Lady Maude to tell her of the discovery of some bones in Scotland and that they might belong to her daughter, Eleanor Gray, but that the police needed more information to confirm this. Lady Maude didn’t like the manner in which this was handled, so Scotland Yard sends Inspector Rutledge to see if he can pacify her. She surprisingly requests Inspector Rutledge lead the investigation into her daughter’s disappearance.
Ian Rutledge would rather do anything than go to Scotland. He had too many men from Scotland die under his command during World War I. It will bring back many painful memories. After all, Hamish MacLeod, the man Ian had executed, was from Scotland. Hamish still haunts Ian in his mind. Right now it is the only way Ian can cope with the guilt, shame and horror of what happened during the war. He and Hamish have conversations in his head about whatever investigation he is working on. Ian is ordered to Scotland where his investigation meets barrier after barrier. The woman charged with killing Lady Maude’s daughter, even though there is only circumstantial evidence and no hard proof, is none other than Hamish’s fiancée, Fiona. What are the chances of that happening? Ian feels bound to prove her innocence, but find that difficult to do as she won’t trust him with the truth. She is protecting someone and will go to the gallows in order to maintain her promise. Can Ian discover the truth despite Fiona’s refusal to cooperate? Who started the ugly rumors against Fiona, putting her in the crosshairs of the local police force? Why does everyone so readily believe them? Fiona has denied ever meeting Eleanor Gray, but is she telling him the truth?

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This is another great British mystery taking place in 1919. I just so enjoy the depth of Ian’s character and get more and more involved in his emotions and feelings with new case he takes on. The interaction between Ian and Hamish is antagonistic, but also in an odd sort of way comforting. At various times, Ian has thought about ways to rid himself of Hamish, but the only way to really do that is to end his own life and Ian has fought too hard and been through too much pain to take that route yet. He does struggle each day with the process of living, but at the end of each day he seems a little bit stronger, having survived another day. I plan on reading and reviewing the next book in the series, Watchers of Time, on this blog soon.
My rating is 5 stars.

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Search the Dark (Inspector Ian Rutledge #3) by Charles Todd

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Title: Search the Dark (Inspector Ian Rutledge #3)
Author: Charles Todd
Pages: 310
Year: 1999
Publisher: St. Martin’s Paperbacks
Inspector Ian Rutledge is still in the hot seat with his superior, Superintendent Bowles. As a result, he is sent away from London again on another case and out of the superintendent’s hair. This time he is sent to Dorset to discover if a man is truly guilty of killing his wife and two small children.
Ian begins asking the same questions the local authorities have asked. He institutes another search for the missing children as their bodies haven’t been found yet. The body of a woman, who they assume is the criminal’s wife as he has identified her. One problem is the man they have arrested is mentally unstable due to his service in the war. Inspector Rutledge is uncomfortable dealing with this man because it reminds him too much of himself. The search continues and another woman’s body is found. Could the man in jail have arrived a few months prior and also killed this woman?
Inspector Rutledge begins to uncover more than he bargained for in his search for justice and truth. He knows he is being manipulated by at least one woman involved in the case. He meets another former soldier, the son of a politician, who also is painful to interact with as it forces Ian to remember his own role in the war and the scars left behind, not only physical scars, but mental ones as well. Hamish is ever active in antagonizing and convicting Ian in his own mind. The guilt Ian has over Hamish’s death has driven Ian to allow Hamish to live even if it is only within his own mind. Could this former soldier be the murderer? His French wife? The former soldier who hangs out at the local pub?
As the case is pursued, the authors really showcase the devastating effects of war on the human mind and how it changed everything about a person who survived it. Readers will get a good mystery, but also a chance to experience a survivor’s war on a personal front through the eyes of Inspector Rutledge and in this story through a few other former soldiers eyes as well. As I continue reading this series, and this is my fourth book, I am continually struck with the depth of feeling and insight Charles Todd has into the mind of a survivor. The story was a little slow in a few spots, which is why the 4 stars instead of 5, but this is still a recommended book. I’m looking forward to reading book 4 next and find out what crime Inspector Rutledge will be investigating.
My rating is 4 stars.


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